Embodied Mindfulness, Resilience and Strength: 16 Guidelines for Life

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

— Viktor E. Frankl, Psychologist



Datum: Tweedaagse Retreat/Workshop 15 – 16 April 2023
Tijd: 10:00 – 17:00
Investering: € 180 pp

16 Leidraden voor een Gelukkig Levende volgende stap in Mindfulness.

Wordt bewust hoe je denkt, handelt, relateert en zingeving ervaart.

Wil je meer GELUK in je leven en meer emotionele veerkracht ervaren?

De 16 Leidraden voor het Leven zijn praktische en direkt toepasbare hulpmiddelen om meer inzicht in jezelf te vinden en zijn gericht op het ontwikkelen van positieve kwaliteiten in je leven.

16 Leidraden voor een Gelukkig Leven (16L Level 1) is een programma dat is ontwikkeld door de Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom (FDCW).

De 2-daagse retreat/workshop wordt gegeven door FDCW-geaccrediteerde trainers en is zowel geschikt voor beginners in de beoefening van mindfulness, meditatie en emotionele intelligentie, als voor mensen met enige ervaring hierin.

De 16 Leidraden voor een gelukkig Leven zijn praktische en direct toepasbare hulpmiddelen om meer inzicht in jezelf te vinden en zijn gericht op het ontwikkelen van positieve kwaliteiten in je leven. Deze zijn gebaseerd op inzichten vanuit eeuwenoude boeddhistische wijsheid en modern psychologisch en neurowetenschappelijk onderzoek.

De 16L tools helpen je om een nieuwe wending te geven aan de manier waarop je denkt, handelt, je verhoudt tot anderen en zin geeft aan je leven. Het programma is ontworpen om ons mentale welzijn te bevorderen, emotionele veerkracht te ontwikkelen en te werken aan positieve relaties. Op deze manier werk je aan meer geluk voor jezelf en voor de wereld om je heen.

Tijdens dit weekend werken we met de 7 tools van dit programma zoals o.a. mindfulness, re-framing en pre-framing. Het is een interactief en experentieel weekend waarin we ook reflecteren met elkaar op vragen zoals:

  • Hoe ga ik om met uitdagende situaties of mensen in mijn leven?
  • Welke kwaliteiten kan ik verder ontwikkelen?
  • Hoe kan ik compassie en wijsheid ontwikkelen?
  • Wat is mijn kompas voor een gelukkig en goed leven?
  • Hoe kan ik een bijdrage geven in deze wereld?

We ont-moeten elkaar tijdens dit weekend met een nieuwsgierigheid naar ons zelf en naar elkaar en met een open hart.

Deze workshop is inclusief gratis parkeren, handouts en koffie en thee.

Al het materiaal is in het Nederlands. Verder zijn er Engelstalige zelfstudiematerialen en een gratis app beschikbaar.

Deze workshop worden gegeven door Claudia van Zuiden: www.compassionandwisdom.org

Opgeven door een email te sturen naar: solutionways@gmail.com of boek nu hier je ticket.

Mijn werk omvat onder meer persoonlijk coaching, oplossingsgerichte therapeut, corporate welzijns- en performance consulent en yoga- en mindfulness docent.

Wat zegt Claudia van dit Programma:

Ik pas de 16G toe in alle aspecten van mijn werk en in mijn dagelijks leven. Ik vind de tools enorm nuttig. Ik streef ernaar dit framework van hart- en geest tools te blijven delen zolang mogelijk. Voor mensen die tools willen leren vanuit een systeem van ethische en praktische vaardigheden en dit tegelijkertijd willen integreren in hun leven waardoor zij positieve relaties bevorderen en creëren, zowel met zich zelf als met anderen, is deze cursus een echte must.

Door 16G in hun leven toe te passen, heb ik mensen positieve relaties zien ontwikkelen, meer compassie naar zichzelf en anderen zien ontwikkelen en heb ik empirisch onderbouwde, meetbare vooruitgang gezien in zowel persoonlijke, zakelijke en werkprestaties.

Het begrip van de onderlinge verbondenheid en onderlinge afhankelijkheid van alles, ondersteunt een groeiend wereldwijd bewustzijn. Om ons gelukkig te voelen, moeten we op persoonlijk niveau proactief zijn bij het maken van positieve stappen in de richting van een gelukkig leven. Het 16G-trainingsprogramma faciliteert deze stappen en de applicatie creëert een platform voor het creëren van gelukkigere individuen, wat weer een positief effect zal hebben op het creëren van gelukkige gezinnen, gemeenschappen en werkplekken.

Als ik mensen iets aan kan raden in het leven, is het zeker deze cursus volgen.

Hopelijk ben jij er ook bij in April!

Wat zeggen vorige deelnemers:

“Net weer een prachtig workshop-weekend beleefd. Vol hart-wijsheid cadeautjes weer teruggekeerd om ze dagelijks opnieuw uit te pakken en te blijven integreren in alles dat ik doe en ben en nog mag zijn. Claudia ontzettend bedankt voor deze mooie beleving!” – Sabien Bruins, Coach

“Ik heb het gevoel dat ik in de workshop weer iets heb aangeraakt van binnen wat ik kwijt was geraakt. Bijzonder ook om de groep zo samen te zien. Ieder in z’n eigen proces op z’n eigen tempo. Mooi dat dat oké was. Dat het niet uitmaakt waar je staat, hoe je naar de wereld kijkt etc. Mooie verdieping.” – Erik Maessen, Coach SOIAM

In the United Kingdom:

Event by Kitty D’Costa  and Claudia van Zuiden

Two day retreat non residential at Jamyang Buddhist Centre, London, UK : £180 pp *FULLY BOOKED*

About this event:
Join us for this Two day retreat facilitated by Kitty D’Costa and Claudia van Zuiden.

During this Two day retreat Kitty and Claudia will share with you Building Inner Strength – 16 Guidelines for Life.

The 12-hours, Building Inner Strength – 16 Guidelines for Life program offers a learning path to transformative change.

Kitty and Claudia are experienced facilitators and will deliver this course with great depth and joy.

This course could be for you if you feel that you want to take the next step in mindfulness in deepening your practice, or you are newly embarking on a path forward to become more mindful, or you want to become familiar with your thoughts and actions and learn how to change these in a more beneficial way.

The 16 Guidelines program provides a simple, robust and flexible framework for developing emotional resilience, empathy, compassion and transformative change, suitable for both educational curricula and for personal and professional development. If you’re seeking practical tools to bring about positive change in your life, this experiential course is for you.

You’ll explore the 16 Guidelines framework to deepen your experience in mindfulness and resilience, as an embodied practice. You’ll enhance your capacity for personal reflection, resulting in a greater sense of well-being, confidence, purpose and emotional resilience. Drawing on proven techniques from positive psychology, social justice practices, neuroscience and centuries-old Eastern philosophy, you’ll develop an ethical, holistic approach to self-improvement and cultural change.

This course is recognized by Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom, as part of their Training Pathway to become an Accredited 16 Guidelines Level 1 Facilitator. For more information about the 16 Guidelines program and a full list of all their accredited facilitators and other programs, please visit their website: www.compassionandwisdom.org


  • Increased emotional resilience by using a set of practical and transformative tools
  • Identify and apply your own embodied practice of mindful qualities in your personal and professional life
  • A greater capacity for insight and personal reflection and a greater sense of well-being, confidence and purpose
  • Integrate and apply mindfulness and other practical tools to the four wisdom themes of the 16 G: Mindful thought; mindful actions; mindful relationships; and mindful purpose and livelihood

Dates: Two Day Retreat 1 Oct – 2 Oct 2022
Time: 10:00 – 17:00 UK
Cost: £ 180 pp 
To book your tickets click here

What do people say:

Great to meet with like-minded individuals. This is a safe environment to explore deep issues. It’s not mumbo jumbo, it’s real stuff, articulate. It’s what many are trying to find in their lives.” — Mo, UK

This course provided Self-discipline/ mental /training/ self-introspection leading to self-improvement.” Jerome, UK

Connectivity- connecting with people from different countries and cultures and remember we are part of a wider community outside of our homes. Encouragement to observe and transform our thinking, especially these days when we are not engaging with many people. “ Kadro, India

“The major reason were opted to work with Madam Claudia is that we really wanted our organization members who are undergraduate students to understand and under-core the value of sixteen guidelines to life. I would love to encourage friends/ colleagues whom might be interested in knowing about the 16 guidelines to life, the trainer will undertake you over it in a simple model, robust framework for noticing our patterns of thinking, speaking and acting. Understanding how our minds work we can find lasting fulfillment. Secondly equipping you with better knowledge of ourselves we can break through our limiting beliefs, transform our relationships, make better decisions, and find peace of mind even on the most difficult of day. She is competent with vast mastery of the course and for sure you will always admire to have her training sessions throughout since the are enjoyable, amicable, informative and interactive.” Joedy Foundation, Kenya

Building Emotional Resilience and Strength:
16 Guidelines with Children and Teens

This course is delivered in 4 Thursday sessions from 10:00 am to 13:00 pm CET
Dates: 24/3, 31/3, 7/4, 14/4

Join us for this 12-hour live online course. The course will be delivered by using Zoom.

Participants learn techniques and practical, fun activities that they can then use to explore the values of the 16G with children and teens in meaningful and embodied ways.

The course offers methodology to support how to share these activities with children and teens and how to make age-appropriate adaptations.

The course will be of interest to parents and anyone working with children and teens.

Here’s what previous training participants have said:
“I got a lot of ideas to work with children and teens: mindfulness techniques and how to apply 16 Guidelines to activities and games.” Maldonado Alcubierre, Mexico

“The training was engaging and full of practical ideas for activities. Great that it’s interactive, even though it’s online. The breakout groups worked very well. It creates a sense of community, even though we’re far apart.” Silvie Walraven, Netherlands

About the Trainer: Claudia is an active member of the 16G accredited Faculty delivering Level 1 & 2 workshops regularly internationally. She has taught mindfulness and emotional resilience tools to adults and children since 2002 internationally. Claudia is fluent in both English and Dutch and has a very engaging, enthusiastic and clear style of facilitating.

When working with the 16 Guidelines it is important to be aware of the children’s cognitive capabilities, not just their age, and adjust material and activities accordingly.

Dates: 24/3, 31/3, 7/4, 14/4 , time: 10:00 – 13:00 CET
Cost: € 250 pp
To book email: solutionways@gmail.com

Innerlijke Kracht Versterken: 16 Leidraden voor het Leven29 and 30 August 2020

16 Leidraden voor een Gelukkig Leven (16L) is een programma dat is ontwikkeld door de Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom (FDCW).

De 2-daagse workshop wordt gegeven door FDCW-geaccrediteerde trainers en is zowel geschikt voor beginners in de beoefening van mindfulness, meditatie en emotionele intelligentie, als voor mensen met enige ervaring hierin.

De interactieve, ervaringsgerichte workshop is gebaseerd op een aantal universele waarden die gericht zijn op het ontwikkelen van positieve kwaliteiten in je leven, die zijn gestoeld op inzichten vanuit eeuwenoude boeddhistische wijsheid en modern psychologisch en neurowetenschappelijk onderzoek.

De 16L tools helpen je om een nieuwe wending te geven aan de manier waarop je denkt, handelt, je verhoudt tot anderen en zin geeft aan je leven. Het programma is ontworpen om ons mentale welzijn te bevorderen, emotionele veerkracht te ontwikkelen en te werken aan positieve relaties. Op deze manier werk je aan meer geluk voor jezelf en voor de wereld om je heen.

We reflecteren op vragen zoals:

* Hoe ga ik om met uitdagende situaties of mensen in mijn leven?
* Welke kwaliteiten kan ik verder ontwikkelen?
* Hoe kan ik compassie en wijsheid ontwikkelen?
* Wat is mijn kompas voor een gelukkig en goed leven?
* Hoe kan ik een bijdrage geven in deze wereld?

Zondag 29 Augustus 09:30 tot 17:00 en Zondag 30 Augustus

Deze workshop is inclusief handouts en kofie en thee.
Al het materiaal is in het Nederlands. Verder zijn er Engelstalige zelfstudiematerialen en een gratis app beschikbaar.

Deze workshops worden gegeven door Claudia van Zuiden:

Opgeven graag door een email te sturen naar:

Building Inner Strength: 16 Guidelines for Life

16G tools logo

*FULLY BOOKED* The next Level 1 Training will be held online and will be facilitated in English by Kitty D’Costa and Claudia van Zuiden, both accredited 16G facilitators.

It is possible to attend all four sessions or separate ones. When you attend all of the four you will have completed level 1 and receive a certificate of completion.

The dates are:
16G Level 1
Session 1 – How we think: June 13 5pm – 8pm

Session 2 – How we Act: July 18 5pm – 8pm

Session 3 – How we Relate: September 19 5pm – 8pm

Session 4 – How we find meaning: October 17 5pm -8pm

Cost: £ 25 per session or £ 80 for all four sessions

To book, please email solutionways@gmail.com

These are excellent times for cultivering essential life-skills. We can learn how to remain calm, enjoy life AND find meaning and purpose in Life, even in the most challenging times. If you can do that now, imagine what you can do when things are going much more smooth again! Join us the next four dates for some fun by learning or by refreshing (for those who have already done the Level 1 and/or 2 Training), how the 16Guidelines for Life are fantastic tools to become familiar with your thought patterns and how they affect your life.

By implementing these tools, you will also learn how to change unhelpful thoughts and habits into more positive ones.

Developing Inner Strength with the 16 Guidelines for a Happy Life (16L), is a program developed by the Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom (FDCW ).

The online seminar is given by FDCW-accredited trainers and is suitable for beginners in the practice of mindfulness, meditation and emotional intelligence, as well as for people with some experience in this.

The interactive, experiential workshop is based on a number of universal values ​​that focus on developing positive qualities in your life, based on insights from ancient Buddhist wisdom and modern psychological and neuroscientific research.

The 16G tools help you to give a new twist to the way you think, act, relate to others and give meaning to your life. The program is designed to promote our mental well-being, develop emotional resilience and build positive relationships. In this way you will work for more happiness for yourself and for the world around you.

We reflect on questions such as:

  • How do I deal with challenging situations or people in my life?
  • What qualities can I further develop?
  • How can I develop compassion and wisdom?
  • What is my compass for a happy and good life?
  • How can I contribute in this world?

For more information please email solutionways@gmail.com

Some more feedback from participants:
This was a very professional, educational, open, not didactic course and the communication has been super throughout. Hilary, UK

Sense of empowerment. I can change my habitual ways of feeling/ having empowerment to use those tools successfully. Ruth, UK

It’s been very useful in providing concrete tools for reflection/ step back and working through challenges.Denise, UK

Immediately applicable. Gives space and insight into your own actions Ensures clarity in existing and future problems. A.M., the Netherlands

It was a marvellous involving experience. Kitty and Claudia handled it so well and professionally, especially considering the fact that we were all in different countries, simultaneously; and yet, there was a close sharing and participation network, among us all. The other participants were all nice people, and I was glad to meet them all. Rose, Italy

Interesting/ Thought provoking/ great tools for seeing the world positively. Tania, New Zealand

Good to listen and to be listened to. Encouragement to change for good. Elaine, London, UK

Kitty D’Costa and I are facilitating Two ‘Inspired by Building Inner Strength – 16 Guidelines for Life’ Online Training sessions: *Fully Booked*

‘How to find meaning in life in the time of Corina virus”

These are excellent times for cultivering essential life-skills. We can learn how to remain calm, enjoy life AND find meaning and purpose in Life, even in the most challenging times. If you can do that now, imagine what you can do when things are going much more smooth again! Join us the next two Saturdays for some fun by learning or by refreshing (for those who have already done the Level 1 and/or 2 Training), how the 16Guidelines for Life are fantastic tools to become familiar with your thought patterns and how they affect your life. By implementing these tools, you will also learn how to change unhelpful thoughts and habits into more positive ones.

Saturday 18th April and 25th April 2020 *FULLY BOOKED*

Time: 10:00 – 13:00 (GMT +1)  

Taking mindfulness off the cushion and into the world – we will explore “how we find meaning” during this time of crisis, challenge and fear of Coronavirus. 

3 hour online session

10am WelcomeSession 1 – How do we find meaning?

11am – 10 minute breakSession

2 – Exploring the Guidelines

12pm – 10 minute break

Session 3 – Summary and next steps 

Facilitated by Claudia van Zuiden and Kitty D’Costa, Accredited Faculty Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom. 

This is one of two planned Meetups on Saturday 18 April 2020 and 25 April 2020. The first Meetup, on 18 April, is inspired by the theme of how we find meaning in life and the second Meetup, on 25 April is inspired by how we think and how we relate to events and one another. You are welcome to attend both or one event. Thsese two online sessions are great refreshers for those who have attended 16Guidelines Level 1 and/or 2 Training and You will need pencil, paper, colour pencils or crayons as there will be guided artwork. There will be interactive and group exercises with the group and in pairs. You will learn about the 16Guidelines for life and how to apply them at this time of the coronavirus. 

Wil je meer geluk in je leven en meer emotionele veerkracht hebben? Doe mee met de 16 Leidraden voor een Gelukkig Leven Training:

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Deze workshop zal in het Nederland en in het Nederlands gehouden worden.This

workshop will be held in the Netherlands and will be given in Dutch. 
Zondag 16 Februari 2020 enZondag 23 Februari 2020  *FULLY BOOKED*

Leidraden voor een Gelukkig Leven (16L) is een programma dat is ontwikkeld door de Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom (FDCW).
De 2-daagse workshop wordt gegeven door FDCW-geaccrediteerde trainers en is zowel geschikt voor beginners in de beoefening van mindfulness, meditatie en emotionele intelligentie, als voor mensen met enige ervaring hierin.De interactieve, ervaringsgerichte workshop is gebaseerd op een aantal universele waarden die gericht zijn op het ontwikkelen van positieve kwaliteiten in je leven, die zijn gestoeld op inzichten vanuit eeuwenoude boeddhistische wijsheid en modern psychologisch en neurowetenschappelijk onderzoek.

De 16L tools helpen je om een nieuwe wending te geven aan de manier waarop je denkt, handelt, je verhoudt tot anderen en zin geeft aan je leven. Het programma is ontworpen om ons mentale welzijn te bevorderen, emotionele veerkracht te ontwikkelen en te werken aan positieve relaties. Op deze manier werk je aan meer geluk voor jezelf en voor de wereld om je heen.

We reflecteren op vragen zoals:

* Hoe ga ik om met uitdagende situaties of mensen in mijn leven?
* Welke kwaliteiten kan ik verder ontwikkelen?
* Hoe kan ik compassie en wijsheid ontwikkelen?
* Wat is mijn kompas voor een gelukkig en goed leven?
* Hoe kan ik een bijdrage geven in deze wereld?

16G tools logo


The 16G are a practical tool for making life better. They provide a simple, robust framework for reflecting on how we think, speak and act, and for creating causes to experience lasting happiness and meaning.

The 16 Guidelines programme provides a simple, robust and flexible framework for developing empathy, compassion and resilience in daily life, suitable for both educational curricula and for personal and professional development.

The programme offers a range of practical tools and resources designed to promote reflection on the way we think, speak, act, and find meaning in life, presented through a mixture of exercises, group work and discussion. Benefits include:

  • increased emotional resilience
  • better relationships, at work and at home
  • a greater capacity for insight and personal reflection
  • a greater sense of well-being, confidence and purpose

Discoveries in neuroscience suggest that each of us has the potential to continue developing and transforming our minds, from birth until death. The 16G can help us to do this in a way that will benefit both ourselves and others. If you change your mind, you change your life.

The 16G were inspired by the 16 Human Dharmas, an ethical code written by King Songsten Gampo in 7th century Tibet to guide his citizens. The code played a crucial part in the transformation of Tibet from a warlike nation into a civilisation renowned for its peace and serenity. So the 16G are a contemporary presentation of ancient wisdom. They are decep- tively simple words which appear in all of the spiritual, religious and philosophical traditions of the world – even if they aren’t always put into practice. If we learn to apply them to real-life situations, they demonstrate a capacity to transform our relationships, help us to make wise decisions, and bring us peace of mind in difficult of circumstances.

Claudia is an international accredited facilitator in the Finding your Happy: 16 Guidelines for Life training pathway.

About the two-day workshop:

The Level 1 is a two-day course that introduces participants to the 16G and the framework of the four Wisdom Themes. Using interactive and experiential methodologies it gives inspiration and skills to apply the 16G in everyday life.

Participants are guided in personal explorations using the Guidelines as frames to analyse the way they relate to their experiences. The programme offers a range of practical tools and resources designed to promote reflection on the way we think, speak, act, and find meaning in life, presented through a mixture of exercises, group work and discussion. The skill of mindfulness is fundamental to all applications of the 16G so instruction and practice in mindfulness are included.

Benefits include:
• increased emotional resilience
• better relationships, at work and at home
• a greater capacity for insight and personal reflection
• a greater sense of well-being, confidence and purpose

“The minute you live in the Guidelines, your life will change.”

Lama Zopa, Honorary President of Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom

About FDCW and UECW 

The Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom (FDCW) is an international non-profit organization established in 2005 with the aim of creating and disseminating educational programmes and resources based on universal human values which enable positive, long-lasting, personal and social change. FDCW takes forward the vision of the late Lama Yeshe for Universal Education which enables people to develop to their full potential, addressing their totality as a human being.

Universal Education for Compassion and Wisdom (UECW) is a secular approach to inner development that empowers people to lead a happy and meaningful life and to be of service to others. UECW is rooted in Buddhist philosophy and psychology and deeply influenced by contemporary science and the universal wisdom of the world’s philosophical, spiritual and belief traditions.

FDCW aims to bring together science and spirituality in a contemporary experiential style suitable for people of all ages, beliefs and cultural traditions. The Dalai Lama is the Patron and Lama Zopa is the Honorary PresidentFDCW is affiliated to the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT).

At the suggestion of Lama Zopa Rinpoche the first UECW programme developed by FDCW was the 16 Guidelines for Life (16G). Since the launch in Sydney in 2006, the 16G have been adopted by thousands of people in over 24 countries, and catalysed a wide range of activities in education, youth work, health and social care, prisons, business leadership, family support, and community activism. The 16G are an inspiration for taking action to benefit others and self, and they offer a simple, practical framework for doing this.

References and Resources:

FDCW logo

The next Finding your Happy: 16 Guidelines for Life Level 1 Training in Scotland, UK will be held on Sat 1st and Sun 2 June 2019
To book click here.
